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What is AVYOO ?

AVYOO is the community where you can ask any question about any topic, Vote on anything any time, and share your views with your friends and the whole world.

Why Do I need To Use AVYOO?

Vote on any topic any time
Ask your community about anything
Browse all historical results
Get useful stats of peopl’s opinions
Become an opinion leader and influencer

What to ask?

Confirmation bias

Our brains have the tendency to dupe us into specific decision making patterns and processes based on our own limited knowledge and existing beliefs. This is called “Confirmation bias”.


How to manage it

The best and simple way to avoid “Confirmation bias” is not letting your brain trick you into false affirmations based on insufficient data or your own limited knowledge or experience on any subject.

Define your subject

If you are aware of the tricks your brain can pull on you, you already are prepared not to be deceived. Keep your mind open to all possibilities and remember that just as “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!” the whole knowledge of the world can be yours just by asking questions and being open to all possible answers.


How To Ask ?

1-Type your Question

Putting down your views is not supposed to be difficult or complicated. Just think about a matter that’s important to you or pokes your curiosity then Poll it. Even if you think you know the answer to your questions, it’s better to have a strong affirmation from the world out there than to navigate it blindly according to your own knowledge. Avyoo is here to help you get the broad answers and tendencies of the whole world to consider and act upon. So! just jot down some text and let’s start.

2-Adjust Setting

Your question is already down and your answers are already in, in order to manage your vyoos, you have to setup some setting for your questions first – Click the visualize button – Set the location your interested to ask – Set the visibility of your question Private to be seen only by those who have your shared link or visible by all AVYOO’s users – Set the duration for your question before it’s closed – Set up to three categories for your question – Then you can set a tag for your questions

3-Interact with your Community

Your question is created, now you can share it with your community via the links at your disposal in the app. The comment section is not available yet on the app, but you can use your own social media platform to interact with your community and friends. Make sure to explain your needs from your question as briefly as you can. Or if your question is well defined, just share the link, they will get it!

4-Vyoo your results

Follow the interactions with your questions At any given time you can select your vyoo in your app and check the engagement of your community. You can follow the evolution of your results with time. Track your activity with useful statistics The time you set for your question is at it’s end, you can vyoo the final result of your Poll. Now you have your data and can do whatever you want with. If it is a broad question you can narrow you options by following with another one on a more defined path, and if it is a final question you have your answers to act up on.

How To Vote ?

View a Question

On the Home tab you can view all the current questions you did not vote on yet. You can either scroll through all of them or click on the question that you want to view.


Choose an Answer

You have identified the question you want to vote on, you can either view it with on the master list or click it to isolate it. Then you can read all the answers available to you.

And Vote

You have read you question and decided on your answer, then it’s time to vote. Right there, no more steps are needed, just click on your answer. It’s done.


View statistics

After you have voted on a question, you can view the current results of the votes. And if you come back to the app any other time, you can check your votes tab to see the updated results for the questions you voted on.



Create easly and Quickly Any Question about any topic and Vote with just a click.


Create a 100% free account and get instant access to more features.


Share your Vyoos on social media to get opinions and even Comments and Likes.

Live Results

Visualize your Vyoos results any time,using suitable Charts.


Get notified when your question become the most popular, viewed or liked.

Deep analysis

Track questions that you’ve created or voted on, with useful statistics and charts.


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Add Value To Your Own Opinion


Avyoo is the community where you can ask any question about any topic. Vote on anything, and share your views with your friends and the whole world

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